Saturday, February 13, 2010

Joseph A. Sweaters Why Do People Make A Big Deal Of Joseph Having A Coat Of Many Colors When I Have A Multicolored Sweater?

Why do people make a big deal of Joseph having a coat of many colors when I have a multicolored sweater? - joseph a. sweaters

I have tons and I mean that literally. I paid a company that regularly works for UPS as a special scale to measure in order to build them.


godsnarn... said...

Not so much a question of class, but the question of why he claimed he was, which was given, and what has happened and the user

Janet X said...

no idea, since sound is not only colorful, but OmniColor.

RU486 said...

His own jersey, he and his threadbare coat.


This was no easy task, card, dye and fabric at the time.

irkt said...

Pudding Pops!

Adam's Rib said...

Did your father do for you? Joseph's father.

tiny tim said...

They say the darndest things

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